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Sustainable Supply Chain
Innovation with Green Technology
Eco-Friendly Operation
Driven People with Shared Beliefs

ESG at Wiwynn:
Environmental Protection



100% Renewable Energy Usage


Global renewable energy utilization rate

HQ Full Area

Achieves renewable energy switching


Net Zero Emissions

5 years

No incidents of environmental non-compliance or penalties imposed


Waste recycling rate


Energy-saving measures performance















Goals for material topics



Biodiversity and forest conservation

To respond to the emphasis on biodiversity and forest conservation from international communities, Wiwynn starts from its own operation. In the future, we will work with our sustainable supply chain and value chain partners and engage with the opinions from external stakeholders to support the maintenance of biodiversity and forest conservation as well as establish relevant mechanisms and systems step by step.

Wiwynn launched a coastal forest planting program in 2021 and chose Taijian National Park which is near its operating site in Tainan as the second location for coastal plantation in 2022. Taijian National Park has abundant cultural and ecological resources. Of which, Qigu Lagoon is one of the remains of old Taijian inland sea silting floating lands. It is surrounded by offshore barriers to create a stable inland sea environment and becomes the habitat for many precious and rare species, including more than 200 types of migratory birds, like Black-faced Spoonbill, and 200 types of fish, shrimps, and shellfish. Among them, 3 types are listed as critically endangered, and 4 types are listed as endangered species by International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). However, under the impact of global climate change and the aging of offshore barrier coastal forest, Taijian inland sea starts to show shoal narrowing and retracted shoreline. To protect WangziliaoShoal in Taijian National Park and maintain the wetland ecology of Qigu Lagoon, Wiwynn works with Tse-Xin Foundation for afforestation in the shoal under the assistance of professional partners. We planted 6,000 saplings to create shoal coastal forest, enhance ecological habitat functions of wetland and coast and restoration capabilities of biodiversity, increase environmental adaptation to climate change, strengthen natural carbon sink, preserve cultural heritage, and promote sustainable development of ecology.

In 2023, except continue promoting Taijing shoal afforestation program, Wiwynn will also commit the restoration and afforestation program in Wuling Farm. Wuling area is the hometown of Formosan landlocked salmon in Taiwan. Its main habitat is the high-mountain streams with temperature below 17°C. In the past, the overexploitation of mountain forests and natural disasters damaged the habitat of Formosan landlocked salmon. Their living environment was under serious threat, and it caused significant decrease of Formosan landlocked salmon. To restore the habitat ecology for Formosan landlocked salmon, Wiwynn plans to plant trees near its main habitat to restore forest environment, slow down the outflow of soil and rock, effectively cultivate the source of water, and stabilize water temperature to provide Formosan landlocked salmon a steady habitat environment and source of food. Through the restoration program, each sapling planted by Wiwynn represents a tree of hope for national land restoration and Formosan landlocked salmon habitat ecology recovery.
